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SEO Competition, Search Engine Optimization Competition Blog

Search Engine Optimization Competition Blog, SEO Blog India, Search Engine Optimization Marketing Professionals Blog. Maintained by Afzal Khan.
© 2005-10 Afzal Khan @ Top Rank SEO Blog

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Precharge Projectnet SEO Contest - 1st Day, 2nd post

Hey Folks,

As everyone out here is aware of the SEO Contest running for keyphrase "Precharge Projectnet" hosted by Precharge.net forum,
am also trying my skills to be ranked top among all the results in Google for "Precharge Projectnet".

Firstly I had started to made teh blog for "Precharge Projectnet" as i don't own any domain name to promote "Precharge Projectnet".
So what's better than Blogger.com for an free hosting blog. Secondaly thankfull to all Precharge.net team for introducing this SEO Contest, where
I can show my skills, ability and potential for Precharge Projectnet using all my legimatic SEO skills and do not practise any Black Hat SEO techniques.
Even I firmly oppose all such techniques and think is just to play with your character's. Any ways here m competiting for Precharge Projectnet to rank
my blog higher in Google results when searched for Precharge Projectnet.

Now talking about competition for "Precharge Projectnet" it is about 12,400 for precharge projectnet as on 07th September 2006 and competition for
precharge projectnet has been increased by 200 more in just 15 minutes time span. Uhmm........12,400 webpages are competiting for 12,400
for "precharge projectnet" and making your website/blog rank well among all such pages is really intresting to do for.

I am helping save the internet, one link at a time. Information about the preCharge Freedom project can be found at preCharge Freedom Project - please help us save the internet, otherwise the things
we've worked so hard for in the past 10+ years will be for nothing. This project is proudly sponsored
by preCharge Risk Management Solutions.
Afzal Khan, 7:19 AM


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